Oil refinery sites

Crude oil refining processes in refineries and petrochemical plants pose hazards involving the raw material crude oil and the combustible gases refined in each process, as well as the toxic gases generated. Gas detectors are used in each of the processes to prevent accidents from occurring.

Oil refinery and petrochemical sites

The typical manufacturing processes used to derive products from crude oil are shown below. Gas detectors and alarms are used in each process. Here we describe specific risks associated with leaking combustible and toxic gases produced in each process, alongside examples of the installation of various gas detectors and alarms.

Crude oil tanks

These are facilities for storing crude oil that has been brought in.
The facilities may use a wide variety of constructions depending on whether they are situated above ground, below ground, or offshore.


Precautions are required to prevent leaks of combustible substances from crude oil tanks. Precautions are required to prevent leaks of combustible gases, as crude oil contains easily vaporized components.

Topping plants

Vacuum distillation plants

Fluid catalytic crackers (FCC)

Bottom hydrogenation desulfurizing plants

Delayed cokers (Cokers)

Naphtha desulfurizing plants

Ethylene manufacturing plants

Aromatic extraction plants

Gas detectors are used in applications like these...

Fixed gas detectors are recommended for the following applications:

Portable gas detectors are recommended for the following applications: