Gunji and co-workers measured the work function of various Pd-based alloys for electrocatalytic CO2 reduction materials
with AC-3 and reported their study on Chemistry of Materials[1].
The CO2 reduction reaction is dragging many attractions nowadays when many countries are claiming the carbon neutral plan.
Gunji and co-workers succeeded in the synthesis of Pd-based electrocatalysts and reduced the CO2
into CO and HCOOH with prepared catalysts. And by measuring the work function of those catalysts with AC-3,
an obvious relationship between the products selectivity and the work function was found.
With this result, AC-3 is proved to be so useful that contribute to those novel researches for climate problems.

Result of WF analysis by AC-3[1]
[1] Takao Gunji, Hiroya Ochiai, Takahiro Ohira, Yubin Liu, Yoshiyuki Nakajima, and Futoshi Matsumoto, Chemistry of Materials 2020 32 (16), 6855-6863