Prof. Adachi and co-workers from Kyushu University, reported their study on Nature
Photonics about triplet excitons design for high performance light-emitting diodes device[1].
Light-emitting diodes, short for LEDs, are very popular electronic device due to the long durability and small size.
Prof. Adachi and co-workers combined a perovskite-type precursor with different organic cations. By comparing their
optical performance, they found a deep understanding which was clearly a critical point for creating high-performance
perovskite opto-electronic devices. And with AC-3, the valence band levels can be easily measured, so that the conduction
band levels of the samples could be obtained by adding the bandgaps to the values of the valence bands.
Therefore, AC-3 can be your best partner and contribute to those advanced materials development.

Photoelectron yield spectrum of N2F8 and P2F8 films measurement by AC-3[1].
[1] Chuanjiang Qin, Chihaya Adachi and et al., Nat. Photonics 14, 70-75 (2020).